

Keep an eye on this calendar for club events. Dates may shuffle around.


Upcoming events



Past events

Gossip at Auckland Amateur Radio Club

Gossip at Auckland Amateur Radio Club

AGM & Jock White Memorial Field Day

Mast Repair - Foundation

The club's 40m and 80m dipole masts are down.

Let's get together to repair the masts.

74xx Defined Receiver - 4 Episodes

This is the first episode of the 74xx Defined Receiver project.

Original design by Acidbourbon, the project is about building an AM Shortwave receiver.

Project files on Google Drive

SOTA Presentation by Philip ZL1PSH

Add a photo above and a description for your event

GPS Time Source

This project is a deep-dive into surface mount soldering.

The finished product will allow your computer's time to be set, or can output an accurate reference frequency for lab equipment.

Project files on Google Drive

Linear Battery Charger

A linear battery charger is a perfect pairing with a radio since it does not produce any switching noise. Keep this charger permanently set to float charge a lead-acid battery, or change some resistors to suit a Li-Fe battery.

Project files on Google Drive